Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Chris and I would like to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Now that all the 'fuss' is over we can turn our thoughts to our jewellery!  I have missed studio and my lovely friends tremendously.  I have tried going into my studio but my head isn't getting round creativity yet.  How is your mojo?  Did it get and go to?  What I need to decide is whether to finish one of the many projects I have started or start another?  I have decided though to challenge myself.  I have been through my scrap pot and have decided to make something from the pieces in there.  I is something I have done before and I can tell you it is very rewarding to make a piece of jewellery from scraps.  Do you fancy the challenge?  Message or email and let me know, we can make it a real challenge then! 
I can't wait for the 11th January.  That is when I shall be back at Touchmark but studio opens on Monday the 9th if you're not a Wednesday person.  It will be good to catch up with the others and we have some planning to do!  Apart from what to do next we will be making arrangements for a visit to the Jewellery Show at the NEC in Birmingham in February.  I haven't been to one at the NEC before so it is quite exciting, somewhere new to buy something new!  I have some money from Christmas presents to spend (will it last that long?) and I already have a list of things I really really need!  Decisions, decisions again!  Do you have any plans to visit the show?  Let us know and maybe we can meet for coffee if we are going on the same day. 

Well I have some work to do (even if I am still in my pj's!) Don't forget to tell us what you are up to, we do love to hear from you! 



  1. Just to clarify... this is a challenge, make a piece of jewellery from the bits in your scrap pot. Photos of before and after please :D

  2. Hi,
    You want a photo of my scrap also, ok, good idea,
    What day you going to The NEC?

    1. Hi Robert, sorry didn't realise you had posted. We are going to the NEC on Sunday, you?
