Friday, 24 February 2012

New tutors and classes at Touchmark studios

Hi everyone, I am really excited!  We have two new tutors coming to Touchmark Studios.  Steve Saliba, who is a working jeweller and really experienced  is coming in September to run a 2 day course on traditional methods of stone setting.  Steve is really talented and I can't wait to do this workshop.  He will be teaching different methods to set unusual shaped stones and sharing all his tips and tricks that you won't find in the textbooks.

Clare Hall is coming in June to run a 1 day class on fusing glass. I have always wanted to know how to fuse glass properly and I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge and creating a stock of diochroics for people to set into metal clay on the stone setting classes.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Touchmark Studios Courses for 2012

Here are the latest courses running at Touchmark Studios. More dates will be added and mailed out as they are confirmed. If you are interested in attending our Introduction to Metal Clay course, this course runs every month.  Click here to see the scheduled dates. To book a course please contact us.  Payment will be required to secure your place. 

Please see the booking form for terms and conditions.

Don't forget our open studio sessions; on Monday mornings from 10 to 1pm and Wednesdays from 10 - 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. At only £10 per session for use of the studio and tools and equipment in a supervised environment it is great value for money! 
Pre- booking is essential to guarantee a bench.

To attend intermediate courses, students must have a working knowledge of metal clay and/or have attended the Introductory Metal Clay course. All course prices include materials
Ring Making Course – 1 day course £85
Friday 17th February
Saturday 24th March
Stone Setting Techniques – 1 day course £90
Friday 13th April
Advanced Metal Clay Techniques – 2 day course £225
Working with metal clay sheet and syringe,Working with Base Metal Clays – bronze/copper, Application of gold (keumbo technique), Stone Setting techniques, Hollow forms, (bead making)
Friday 30th and Saturday 31st March
Intensive Jewellery Skills – 4 day course £200
April/May Course:
Saturday 28th April, Sunday 29th April, Saturday 5th May, Sunday 6th May
July Course:
Saturday 7th July, Sunday 8th July, Saturday 14th July, Saturday 15th July
Enamelling – 2 day course - Day 1 £85 both days £160
Saturday 19th May, Sunday 20th May
Introduction to Resins – 1 day course £75
Saturday 2nd June
Casting Resins and Mould Making – 2 day course £150
Saturday 8th September, Sunday 9th September